
A poster with multiple photos of students in the background behind a transparent white text box that has black text.

Why YOU Should Serve on AUSU Student Council

As a pillar of advocacy, services, and student support at Athabasca University (AU), the Athabasca University Students’ Union (AUSU) plays a critical role in enhancing your student experience and the AU community. Serving on the AUSU Student Council is more than a leadership role; it’s an avenue to directly represent the voices of undergraduate students and make a substantial impact. It goes beyond the ordinary, encompassing the inclusion of equity-deserving individuals and groups, ensuring that every student, regardless of their unique identity, has support along their educational journey.

By joining the AUSU Student Council, you become a champion for your peers, advocating for improvements that enhance the overall AU undergraduate student experience. Imagine contributing to positive changes that make life better for both present and future AU students—the satisfaction that comes with these achievements is immeasurable. As our educational landscape evolves, your input can steer initiatives that push for affordable tuition, increase student financial aid, uphold academic excellence, improve wellness, and create an inclusive atmosphere.

Moreover, being able to list “Student Council Leadership” on your resume or CV isn’t just a line item—it’s a testament to your commitment to leadership, community involvement, and change-making. Such experience is a beacon for future employers and graduate programs, signifying your ability to manage responsibilities, lead projects, and drive collaboration.

And let’s not forget that your efforts and time are valued and compensated at AUSU. It’s not just volunteer work; it’s a paid opportunity that recognizes the significance of your role. Our honorarium for attending Council meetings reflects AUSU’s appreciation for your dedication and the work you do to represent AU undergraduate students.

AUSU needs you to get involved! AUSU is a student-led organization where you can enact change, grow as a leader, and leave a mark at AU that will have a positive impact for years to come. Your journey begins with self-nomination. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to enhance both your student life and your future career prospects.

To learn more about serving on AUSU Student Council or self-nominating in the upcoming AUSU Student Council Election, join us on February 13, 2024, for the AUSU Student Council Election Info Session, hosted on Zoom. Or you can send your questions by email to AUSU’s Governance and Advocacy Coordinator, Duncan Wojtaszek, at

Election Timeline:

  • Nomination Period: February 13-26, 2024
  • Campaign Period: February 27-March 13, 2024
  • Voting Period: March 14-18, 2024