
A black poster with the AUSU Pride logo above white and pink text.

Pride Reflections in 2024

by AUSU Vice-President Community and Wellness Olivia Shepherd

The Athabasca University Students Union (AUSU) had our first official Pride celebration in 2021, but the history of pride goes back much further. Pride is typically celebrated in June to coincide with the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. From Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Stormé DeLarverie, to modern-day activists like Laverne Cox, RuPaul, and Alphonso David, the 2SLGBTQIA+ community has seen monumental advances in the fight for our fundamental rights. However, the fight is not over. Across Canada, we’ve seen a rise in hate, founded in political policies and alt-right protests. Despite this, we cannot let it undermine the advances we’ve made and the celebrations we have. In light of all that goes on in our world, Pride is simply a time for… pride. Pride in who we are, the rights we’ve fought for, and the rights we continue to fight for.

AUSU Celebrates Pride!

On June 13th, AUSU had our 4th annual Pride celebration. We kicked off with a welcome from Dr. Alain May on behalf of AU. Alain has been a key figure in some of the 2LSGBTQIA+ advances we’ve seen at AU, such as the right to use affirming name choices in our courses, as well as on our student IDs; without the need for a legal name change.

A presentation followed from AJ Adams, the Communications Manager at Egale Canada. Egale is the nation’s leading organization when it comes to the fight for 2LSGBTQIA+ rights and issues, working to create societies and systems that reflect the universal truth that all persons are equal and none is other. Through research, education, awareness, and legal advocacy, Egale’s vision is a Canada, and ultimately a world, without homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and all other forms of oppression so that every person can achieve their full potential, free from hatred and bias. Involved in the major court challenges that ultimately established the right to same-sex marriage in Canada, Egale is an organization rooted in ensuring an equitable society for all.

Egale Canada also offers hundreds of free resources through their recently launched Rainbow Action Hub, including tools, education, and information aimed at 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations, advocates, and activists. You can find event and protest safety guides, learn more about what’s occurring in your province, learn how to use affirming and inclusive language and much more on their website.

We also had some fun yelling “Bingo!” Local Edmonton Drag Queens Felicia Bonee and Emmonia joined us with some fierce dance moves and bingo calls as attendees showed their competitive side (that’s right, competitive bingo). I can’t blame anyone though for wanting to win, we did hand out three $50 gift cards to The QuiltBag to our lucky winners. The QuiltBag is a queer-owned shop based in Sherwood Park, AB (with online shopping and shipping available to those not in the area).

A huge thank you to everyone who came to the event and celebrated Pride with us here at AUSU. If you missed it, we’ll be turning the Egale presentation into a podcast episode on our very own AUSU Open Mic.


AUSU offers a virtual 2SLGBTQIA+ Community Hub on our website. There, you’ll be able to find quite a few resources including those specific to AU, some general resources, and provincial resources. We also have a 2SLGBTQIA+ Coalition Discord Server where students can connect and chat in a safe and respectful environment. And, last but not least, AUSU offers two annual 2SLGBTQIA+ awards. The next award cycle will occur in October, and you can find more about that award, plus others we offer under the Awards & Bursaries section of our website.

If you ever have a question, want to chat, or need assistance finding resources, please know that AUSU is here to support you. You can reach us at or connect with me, Olivia, at Thank you again, and Happy Pride!