What technology do I need to perform in these roles?
Ideally you will have a computer or smart device that can run the Zoom application for video conferencing, as well as good internet connection.
Are accommodations available for those with disabilities, chronic illness, neurodiversity, or other accessibility needs?
Yes, AUSU incorporates an Accessibility Officer for all Council and committee meetings that assists Councillors with accommodations that may be required.
How do I request the available accommodations for my accessibility needs?
The first step would be to connect with the AUSU Executive Director (executivedirector@ausu.org) who also serves as the Accessibility Officer for our meetings. We will try and accommodate any needs you might have.
I have children and/or dependents. What happens if they are seen or heard on camera during a meeting?
Most likely other participants will wave and say hi. AU students come from all sorts of backgrounds and it is common to see pets, children, and other family members on camera – that is more than acceptable, as are brief moments for you to step away as needed.