
Councillors serving on the AUSU Student Council are elected every two (2) years in a general election. Self-nominations are open to any undergraduate students currently taking an AU course.

Curious about the role of a student leader? Have a look through the FAQs section below.

Student FAQs About Serving on Council

Accessibility and Support

What technology do I need to perform in these roles?

Ideally you will have a computer or smart device that can run the Zoom application for video conferencing, as well as good internet connection.

Are accommodations available for those with disabilities, chronic illness, neurodiversity, or other accessibility needs?

Yes, AUSU incorporates an Accessibility Officer for all Council and committee meetings that assists Councillors with accommodations that may be required.

How do I request the available accommodations for my accessibility needs?

The first step would be to connect with the AUSU Executive Director (executivedirector@ausu.org) who also serves as the Accessibility Officer for our meetings. We will try and accommodate any needs you might have.

I have children and/or dependents. What happens if they are seen or heard on camera during a meeting?

Most likely other participants will wave and say hi. AU students come from all sorts of backgrounds and it is common to see pets, children, and other family members on camera – that is more than acceptable, as are brief moments for you to step away as needed.


How long must students attend AU before self-nominating for Student Council?

Students must have successfully completed at least one (1) undergraduate course at AU and be currently taking at least one (1) course during the nomination period when you self-nominate.

I’m not familiar with how universities work. How do I know if I’m qualified?

We need students from all backgrounds and demographics, and no prerequisite knowledge is needed to be a successful Councillor or Indigenous Circle member. Being an AU undergraduate student is what qualifies you to be a Council member. The AUSU team will ensure that you are supported and ready to participate.

Can I serve on Student Council and the Indigenous Circle at AUSU at the same time?

Yes! Councillors who identify as Indigenous may also sit on the Indigenous Circle at AUSU.


How far in advance are meetings scheduled?

Council meetings are scheduled for the third Thursday of every month. The Indigenous Circle at AUSU and most AUSU committee meetings are set well in advance. 

What times are meetings typically held?

Meetings are typically held in the early evening at 5:00 pm MST; Council meetings run from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm MST. AUSU Committee meetings also start at 5:00 pm MST and run for one (1) hour. Committee frequency varies based on policy, typically on a quarterly basis.

What happens if I have to miss a meeting?

Everyone at AUSU understands that sometime life can get in the way of attending a meeting. Councillors may be absent from time to time. AUSU policy addresses what happens in the event of persistent absences, which may include removal.

Roles and Responsibilities

What are the responsibilities of a Councillor?

Most meetings involve both informal and formal discussions related to the AU undergraduate student experience. These discussions can range from policy development, programs and services, advocacy priorities, and articulating AU undergraduate needs to the university.

Will I be meeting with AU faculty and staff?

Typically, no. Council meetings are attended primarily by Councillors and AUSU staff only. However, occasionally guests from the AU community will also attend to present or consult with Council. 

Does the Student Councillor role involve public speaking?

Most Councillors will not have to speak publicly, however participation in the online Zoom meetings of Council is encouraged. Executive Committee roles may involve some public speaking with internal and external stakeholders related to their portfolios. 

Time, Hours, and Compensation

How much time is required of Councillors?

Student Council meets monthly. Some light reading is required before most meetings and the meetings themselves are 2 hours long, depending on the agenda. There are additional opportunities to do committee work or participate in events, but they are not mandatory and their time requirements are made clear.

Will I be compensated for my time?

Yes! Meeting honoraria is provided for all meetings attended; $75 for Council meetings and $60 for AUSU Committee meetings.

How much work is there to do between meetings?

For most Councillors, very little work is needed between meetings, limited to some email and chat conversations, and some light reading. The exception to this would be individuals elected as Executive Councillors, who work full-time for AUSU during their term. 


Email AUSU’s Governance and Advocacy Coordinator, Duncan Wojtaszek, at governance@ausu.org.

You can find more on AUSU election governance in our bylaws and Section 3.0 of our policies.

Previous Election Results

2024 General Election

2023 By-Election

2022 General Election

2021 By-Election

2020 By-Election

2020 General Election

2018 General Election

2016 By-Election

2016 General Election

2015 By-Election